Golden Canyon – Gower Gulch Loop (Death Valley)*

Date: April 9, 2021

Location: near Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park

Distance: 4 mile loop

Elevation Gain: 675 feet

This is the premier hike of Death Valley NP enhanced by its easy access, low on physical demand and circular route. The canyon immediately revealed the reason for its naming.

At 1 mile mark, trail splits – straight to Red Cathedral (above), or curves right climbing towards Manley Beacon (2nd and 4th photos below). We skipped Red Cathedral route, which could be seen on route to Manly Beacon and beyond and climbed.

Above, view from high point of the route (directly below Manley Beacon), followed by a quick descent to Gower Gulch

Above, intersections of Gower Gulch and Badlands Loop (to Zabriskie’s Point). Below, Gower Gulch was very easy to follow.

The gulch eventually broke out of canyons to the flats of Death Valley, returning hikers back to parking lot.