Great Smoky Mountain National Park (3)

Date: May 6th and 7th, 2021

I took in 3 trails on our 2 days in this most visited US National Park

Clingmans Dome

Located in middle of the Park, this paved path attracts a crowd and arguably a cannot miss highlight of the Great Smoky.

Distance: 1 mile RT

Andrew Bald

Distance: 3.6 miles RT

Elevation Gains: 900 feet

This short trail, located in Clingmans Dome area, is mostly tree covered leading to a open area with vista.

Mt. Cammerer

Distance: 11 miles (from Big Creek Campground to Crosby Campground)

Elevation Gains: 4000 feet

Highest Elevation: 5000 feet

I took an unusual route to the summit because of last minute change in plans and a ride arrangement. This one way shuttle allowed me maximum mileage on Appalachian Trail (AT). It started at Chestnut Branch Trail off Big Creek Campground which joined AT after 2 miles.

The path climb doggedly gaining 4000 feet from Chestnut Branch, AT reaching Mt. Cammerer Lookout. It was mostly under canopy with occasional views.

After 3+ miles on AT, a 0.5 mile spur trail divert hikers from AT to Mt. Cammerer Lookout where a group of AT through hikers rested. Starting in Georgia, AT will take these hikers approx. 2200 miles to Maine.

Returning back to AT, hiking north for 2 more miles now mostly descending, I turned off AT to Low Gap trail for 3 miles to reach Crosby Campground.